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The AutomatiseringGids (a Dutch weekly IT newspaper)
published a news item on December 7, 2007: "Bescherming malware rammelt" (in Dutch). It's online for subscribers only.
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The Dutch free daily newspaper De Pers (distributed at public places like
railway stations) published an item "Hackers gaan PS3" (in Dutch) in the Digitale dingen column by
Herbert Blankesteijn, on December 12, 2007.
You can download (2.84MB) the entire newspaper, look at p. 18.
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The TU/e weekly magazine Cursor has an article
voorspellingen - of toch niet?" (in Dutch), published December 20, 2007.
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The local daily newspaper Eindhovens Dagblad has an article
"TU/e is digitale
notaris te slim af" (in Dutch) on December 28, 2007. I love their opening sentence:
"De Weger's bookcase does not grow confidence in mankind". Unfortunately the corrections
I proposed for this article did not come through.
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The daily newspaper Trouw has an article
"Digi-vingerafdruk is te kraken" (in Dutch), published January 7, 2008.
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Thursday January 10, 2008, at 20:00, Marc Stevens and I, with Lex Borger from LogicaCMG as "independent specialist",
have been interviewed by Herbert Blankesteijn in his radio program
De Elektronische Eeuw (in Dutch) on the commercial news station BNR Nieuwsradio.
An mp3
is available (mirror at TU/e: mp3).
The mp3 file is about 13 MB, the total time is 22´42´´, our piece starts at 7´45´´,
but it is certainly worthwile to listen to the previous piece as well as that is being referred to in our piece.
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The Dutch Linux Magazine issue of February 2008 has an announcement "Nieuwe
kraak MD5 maakt checksums onbetrouwbaarder".